Neuropsychological Tests

تست‌های رفتاری و شناختی (Neuropsychological Tests)

Neuropsychological Tests

Welcome to our clinic, where we provide a comprehensive range of neuropsychological testing services specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients. Our team of experts specializes in conducting thorough assessments utilizing advanced techniques including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Neuropsychological tests play a vital role in the assessment and evaluation of cognitive functioning, behavioral patterns, and emotional states. These assessments are particularly valuable for patients who have requested fMRI or DTI scans, as well as those who have been referred by their attending physician.

NIAG Clinic prides itself on utilizing cutting-edge technology and a diverse array of validated neuropsychological tests to evaluate various cognitive domains, encompassing attention, memory, language, executive function, and visuospatial skills. Our team of experienced neuropsychologists conducts these tests, analyzes the results, and delivers in-depth assessments accompanied by comprehensive reports. When neuropsychological tests are integrated with fMRI or DTI scans, they contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of brain structure and function. This cohesive approach yields valuable insights into the correlation between brain abnormalities and cognitive or behavioral disorders, facilitating accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. Our neuropsychological testing services are conducted in a comfortable and supportive environment, ensuring that patients feel at ease throughout the assessment process.
